Letter to the editor: What Stefanik did was lawful

By Nick Collins Full disclosure — I have written many letters to the editor. On more than one occasion, either Ken Tingley or Will Doolittle will reply, letting me know they won’t print a letter because either facts were unknown or they were false, and they would give me the opportunity to correct my letter […]

THE SUN: Stefanik appointed to Higher Education and Workforce Investment subcommittees

Feb 09, 2021, by News Report WASHINGTON, D.C. | U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik has been appointed to subcommittees on Higher Education and Workforce Investment, and Workforce Protections. Following the Feb. 8 appointments, Stefanik issued a statement as follows: “Since my first year in Congress, I have proudly served on the Committee on Education and Labor. […]

Letter to the Editor: Elise Stefanik is the best congresswoman in the nation

By Win Belanger Fair and equal treatment. The Press-Republican is the hometown paper of three North Country counties. I have subscribed for many years and remain loyal, so you would think I could be treated with respect and fairness within their rules. Many times people have seen my letters of controversy and support for my […]

PRESS-REPUBLICAN: Reps in Action: Feb. 8, 2021

Feb. 8, 2021, by Staff Stefanik supports mental health legislation WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-Schuylerville) recently co-signed a letter to House leadership requesting they immediately bring 13 bills focused on addressing mental health that passed the 116th Congress to the floor. They include two bills Stefanik previously co-sponsored, the HERO (Helping Emergency […]

Letter to the Editor: First amendment supporter

By Lorraine Torgesen  To the editor: I am writing to applaud Rep Elise Stefanik’s courage in the face of the Washington elites and disingenuous democrats. How is it that representatives who claim to be champions of democracy refuse to even allow questions about an election where observers were locked out and ballot boxes were handled […]

INFORM NNY: $4M awarded to support mental health, substance abuse disorder programs in 21st Congressional District

11:19 AM EST, Feb 4th, By Mariann Cabness WASHINGTON, D.C. (WWTI)– The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is awarding a $4,000,000 grant to support mental health and substance abuse disorder programs in New York’s 21st Congressional District. Congresswoman Elise Stefanik made the announcement on Wednesday. “The COVID-19 pandemic has sadly perpetuated the mental […]

THE SUN: $4 million coming to North Country mental health services

8:45am EST, Feb 04, 2021 By Staff WASHINGTON, D.C. | With local need greater than ever, regional substance abuse and mental health programs will soon get a big boost from the federal government with $4 million in grants awarded to North Country programs. U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik announced the significant funding Feb. 3, saying the […]

WWNY: Stefanik backs legislation to help post office

12:53 PM EST, February 4, 2021, By Scott Atkinson WASHINGTON, D.C. (WWNY) – North country congresswoman Elise Stefanik is backing legislation which would solve much of the deep money problem the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) faces. Stefanik is cosponsoring legislation which would get rid of a requirement that the Postal Service set aside money to […]