Hosted Over 1,000 Constituent Outreach Events Across Our District

Hosted Over 1,000 Constituent Outreach Events Across Our District

2018 Result: An important part of my job is being in NY-21 and visiting you throughout the district. I am proud to have done over 1,000 constituent outreach visits in the district since taking office. I will continue to travel the district, meeting and talking with constituents about what’s important to you and what I […]

Reached 450,000 Constituents on Tele-Townhalls and Coffees with Your Congresswoman

Reached 450,000 Constituents on Tele-Townhalls and Coffees with Your Congresswoman

2018 Result: I have had the privilege to speak with over 450,000 constituents via Tele-Townhalls and Coffees with Your Congresswoman since taking office. During these events, we are able to discuss a broad range of issues with constituents from across the North Country. Having this open communication lets me better represent you in Congress.

Letter to the Editor: Stefanik would push to continue growth

Our country is at a pivotal point, one that is impacting NY District 21. We are seeing great economic growth, trade agreements that will impact our farmers and manufacturers. We have seen unprecedented job growth. Jobs are something the North Country desperately needs. Elise Stefanik has been in Congress working hard to support these things.