POST STAR: Stefanik, Cobb offer contrasting remarks about impeachment

Published on December 18, 2019 by Michael Goot U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-Schuylerville, released a statement Wednesday morning opposing the impeachment of President Donald Trump, and her Democratic opponent, Tedra Cobb, issued a statement saying she supports impeachment. “House Democrats failed to uphold their constitutional duty and instead pursued a partisan impeachment process due to […]

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Stefanik backs farm immigration fix

Published in the Glens Falls Post-Star Written by Neal Rea, a Dairy Farmer from Cambridge As Chairman of the Board of Agri-Mark, one of the Northeast’s most prominent dairy farm cooperatives, and as a dairy farmer from Washington County, I am very proud to say that my Congresswoman, Elise Stefanik, has chosen to sign on […]


WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2019 Glens Falls:Congresswoman Elise Stefanik’s reelection campaign today released the following statement on Democratic Resistance candidate Tedra Cobb’s eleventh hour announcement to side with the far-left Hollywood Resistance over North Country voters to support the impeachmentof President Donald Trump. “At the eleventh hour and after months of dodging the media and every […]

Improving and Securing Our Ports of Entry

mproving and Securing Our Ports of Entry

I introduced bipartisan legislation to increase staffing and improve infrastructure at ports of entry along the United States-Canada border. These entry points are critical for our economy, tourism, and national security, and this legislation will make it safer and easier to travel throughout our region.

Working to Secure Our Schools

Working to Secure Our Schools

I helped pass the STOP School Violence Act that invests in early intervention and prevention programs to stop school violence before it happens. This legislation will create grants to train students, school personnel, and law enforcement to identify signs of violence and prevent people from harming themselves or others. We must work to end incidents […]

Fighting the Devastating Effects of the Defense Sequester

Fighting the Devastating Effects of the Defense Sequester

2014 Result: I was pleased to help pass the Bipartisan Budget Act in 2015, which suspended the sequester for two years. This agreement gave needed certainty to the budget process and stopped us from governing crisis to crisis. More importantly, the agreement included stable funding for the Department of Defense and Fort Drum, giving our […]

Secured the Largest Pay Raise to Our Troops in Nearly a Decade

Supporting the Largest Military Pay Raise in Nearly a Decade

I proudly hosted President Trump at Fort Drum, where he signed the national defense bill into law. As a Member of the House Armed Services Committee, I co-wrote this legislation that delivered the largest pay raise to our troops in almost a decade.

Making College More Accessible and More Affordable

Making College More Accessible and More Affordable

As the first member of my immediate family to graduate from college, I understand how important college affordability is to students. My year-round Pell Grant initiative was successfully signed into law, allowing North Country students to access Pell funding during the summer.

Addressing Student Loan Debt

Addressing Student Loan Debt

Overwhelming student loan payments are holding millions back from buying homes, starting families, and saving for retirement. I’ve worked with my colleagues to introduce legislation that provides graduates and our next generation of workers with a powerful tool to pay off student loans faster while starting their careers.

Advancing Our North Country Workforce by Promoting STEAM Education

Advancing Our North Country Workforce by Promoting STEAM Education

One issue I hear from businesses is their desire to find more employees who are not only technically proficient, but that can also think outside the box and possess creative and design skills. That is why I introduced an amendment to the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act that integrates arts […]