Fighting for Small Business

I worked to ensure that seasonal businesses were eligible for forgivable loans from the Payment Protection Program and that they received fair treatment during the loan process.

Electing More Republican Women to Congress

At the time of my first election, I was the youngest woman ever elected to Congress. Since I founded E-PAC, I’ve helped elect more GOP Women to office. We went from 13 Republican women to 35, and we are on our way to electing more this November!

Accessibility for Upstate New York & North Country Families

Since 2015, I’ve remained accessible to NY-21 families by listening directly to my constituents at local events. I’ve attended nearly 2,000 constituent events with NY-21 families, & I look forward to many more to continue being their voice at the highest levels.

Supporting Military Spouses

I was proud to introduce legislation that will ease the financial burden that higher education has on military spouses. As the chief advocate for Fort Drum, I know that military families make countless sacrifices, & I will continue to fight for them.

Delivering Transparency

Voters deserve to know how their legislators are voting. That is why I post the votes I take in Congress on my Facebook page.

Supporting Our Students and Strengthening Our Workforce

Following my advocacy, students at SUNY Clinton Community College will have access to a scholarship program that will help fill NY-21’s manufacturing needs. I will always support NY-21 students and solutions that strengthen our workforce.

Defeating Far Left Democrats’ Impeachment Shams

I was proud to play a leading role in exposing & defeating both of Far Left Democrats’ impeachment SHAMS against President Trump. I will ALWAYS stand up for our Constitution & work with my colleagues on real results for NY-21 and the American people!

Leading to Save Our Second Amendment

Kathy Hochul’s illegal gun ban has labeled NY-21 law-abiding gun owners as FELONS & caused the cancellation of historical reenactments. I’m proud to be leading the charge to repeal this unconstitutional legislation & fight for our 2A rights.