THE SUN: Stefanik votes to advance legislation to support rural broadband
November 4, 2021 WASHINGTON, D.C. | On Nov. 4, U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik voted to advance the Eliminating Barriers to Rural Internet Development Grant Eligibility (E-BRIDGE) Act. “I am proud to support and advance legislation that will directly impact North Country communities,” Stefanik said of the bill she originally cosponsored. “The E-BRIDGE Act will strengthen […]
NEWSMAX: Rep. Stefanik Asks New York Voters to Report Mask Requirements at Polls
November 3, 2021 by Jack Gournall Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., tweeted Tuesday her office has received reports that New York voters in some towns and cities have been told they must wear masks to vote and asked that people let her office know about any such incidents. “Let us be very clear. This is illegal […]
Elise Stefanik Statement on New Yorkers Defeating Democrats’ Dangerous Election-Rigging Scheme: Ballot Propositions 1, 3, and 4
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 3, 2021 Washington, D.C.– Today, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21) released the following statement congratulating New Yorkers on successfully defeating Democrat Ballot Propositions 1, 3, and 4. Stefanik helped lead the charge to encourage New Yorkers to vote against ballot propositions 1,3, and 4. Last month, she penned anOp-Edwhich warned voters that […]
Elise Stefanik Statement on New York Republican Victories
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 2, 2021 Washington, D.C.– Tonight, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (NY-21) released the following statement congratulating New York Republicans on their victories up and down the ballot. “Congratulations to Republicans across New York and the North Country on their exciting and impressive victories tonight. Here in the North Country, Republicans won by record […]
Elise Stefanik Statement on Mike Carey’s Victory in OH-15
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 2, 2021 Washington, D.C.– Tonight, Congresswoman and House GOP Conference Chair Elise Stefanik released the following statement congratulating Republican Mike Carey on his victory in the OH-15 Special Election: “Congratulations to America First Conservative Mike Carey on hisdecisivevictory in the OH-15 Special Election. I was proud to join President Trump in […]
Elise Stefanik Statement on Glenn Youngkin’s Victory In Virginia
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 2, 2021 Washington, D.C. – Tonight, Congresswoman and GOP House Conference Chair Elise Stefanik released the following statement congratulating Glenn Youngkin on his “historic and electrifying” victory in Virginia’s Governor race: “Congratulations to Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin on his historic and electrifying victory tonight. Not only is this a win for the […]
ABC 50: Rep. Stefanik fights COVID vaccine mandate for Border Patrol agents
November 2, 2021 by Isabella Colello WASHINGTON, D.C. (WWTI) — Local lawmakers are fighting vaccine mandates along U.S. borders. On November 1, Congresswoman Elise Stefanik, R-NY, and Congressman Brian Babin, R-TX, led a letter that was sent to President Joe Biden and voiced their stand on vaccine mandates on Border Patrol agents. As Stefanik represents […]
THE SUN: New federal bill looks to incentivize state bail action
November 2, 2021 WASHINGTON, D.C. | U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik has joined New York Republican colleagues in introducing the Stop Enabling Repeat Violence and Endangering (SERVE) Our Communities Act-aimed at incentivizing stronger bail laws and improving public safety. Since taking effect in 2020, New York State’s bail reform laws have eliminated cash bail and expanded […]
Make sure you & your neighbors are able to vote today. Team Elise is receiving reports from some towns and cities that voters are being told they must wear a mask in order to vote. Let us be very clear. This is illegal voter suppression. The New York State Constitution is clear, nothing can inhibit […]
Elise Stefanik Exposes NPR Affiliate For Illegally Campaigning For Democrats With Taxpayer Dollars, Calls to Defund NPR
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Tuesday, November 2, 2021 Washington, D.C.—Today Congresswoman Elise Stefanik released a statement exposing an NPR affiliate in New York’s 21st Congressional District, North Country Public Radio (NCPR), for illegally campaigning for local New York Democrats with taxpayer dollars. AsreportedinBreitbart News Network, NCPRwas caught using their taxpayer-funded email account to campaign for New […]