Taking Care of Our First Responders

Taking Care of Our First Responders

We must take care of our brave first responders, which is why I was so proud to work with the entire New York delegation to pass into law a measure that ensures those brave men and women who worked at Ground Zero following 9/11 will have the medical care they need for illnesses related to […]

Protecting Seniors from Rising Healthcare Costs

Protecting Seniors from Rising Healthcare Costs

At the end of 2015, close to half of Medicare Part B recipients were in danger of their premiums doubling. I fought with my colleagues to protect seniors from this rate spike and worked to ensure that the Social Security Disability Trust Fund continued to pay full benefits.

Putting Healthcare Decisions Back in Your Hands

Putting Healthcare Decisions Back in Your Hands

I was proud to sponsor one of the largest fixes to Obamacare. Repealing the “auto-enrollment mandate” eliminated an unnecessary and duplicative part of Obamacare that reduced choices in health care coverage and created confusion that lead to significant tax penalties for both employees and employers.

Protecting Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs

Protecting Access to Affordable Prescription Drugs

Families across the North Country, especially in rural areas, rely on the 340B drug program for access to discounted drugs and lifesaving services. I successfully fought to prevent cuts to this critical program. It is my commitment in Congress to ensure that our communities have access to the healthcare they need. 

Cutting Through Government Bureaucracy

Cutting Through Government Bureaucracy

When I heard that the Jericho Rise Wind Farm was having a difficult time getting the necessary permits, my office went to work advocating on behalf of this great project. We were pleased to work with the Army Corps of Engineers and Jericho to secure their permits and break ground on this site, which will […]

Combating Lyme Disease

Combating Lyme Disease

When I am speaking to a large group of constituents, I often ask the question: How many of you know someone who has been diagnosed with Lyme Disease? Virtually every hand is raised. I worked to host a Lyme Disease information session with State Senators Betty Little, Kathy Marchione, and Assemblyman Dan Stec. I also […]

Supporting Our Acid Rain Monitoring Program in the Adirondacks

Supporting Our Acid Rain Monitoring Program in the Adirondacks

As our community knows well, acid rain has a major impact on our economy and environment. I pushed the EPA to provide an additional $250,000 in funding for the Adirondack Lake Survey Corporation, an agency in Ray Brook that studies the impact of acid rain on the Adirondacks. We can continue the fight to protect […]

Protecting Our Environment and American Jobs

Protecting Our Environment and American Jobs

New York’s 21st District is the proud home of the Adirondacks, and we understand that protecting our environment plays an important role in promoting economic growth and opportunity. I introduced a resolution that brings together the priority of addressing the risks of climate change with the importance of protecting and creating American jobs. Innovation and […]

Extended Renewable Energy Tax Cuts

Extended Renewable Energy Tax Cuts

Renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and biomass are important for our environment and our local job creation. That’s why I was proud to introduce the Renewable Electricity Tax Credit Equalization Act, which would extend existing tax credits for renewable energy technologies.