Recent polling shows the Republican Party must unite behind former President Donald Trump, GOP House Conference Chair Elise Stefanik (R-NY) told Breitbart News.


August 23rd, 2023

By Wendel Husebø


Stefanik referenced a Tuesday Siena College Research Institute poll that shows Trump leading all other GOP primary field contenders in New York State by nearly 60 percent.

The poll sampled 803 registered voters from August 13-16, 2023, with a 4.4 point margin of error.

“All patriots should and must rally behind President Trump’s campaign to Save America and defeat the corrupt Deep State,” the New York congresswoman said.

“President Trump continues to gain steam with not just Republicans, but independents and Democrats who are rallying to his America First Message and results driven campaign,” she continued. “Trump up by nearly 60% remember.”

Trump’s lead isn’t just confined to New York State.

In Iowa, Trump leads with 42 percent of the vote, 25 points ahead of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), an August Manhattan Institute primary poll found.

The poll also found the same story in South Carolina. Trump leads by 22 points with 43 percent support. DeSantis came in a distant second with 21 percent support.

In New Hampshire, Trump leads with 34 percent support. DeSantis still came in 21 points behind with 13 percent support.

Trump is also doing very well in national polling. Trump leads his nearest competitor, DeSantis, by 43 points nationwide, according to a Thursday poll by Fairleigh Dickenson University. DeSantis captured only 15 percent support.

“There isn’t a real Republican Primary as President Trump continues to dominate the GOP primary in both national polls and early-state polls,” Stefanik argued.

In a hypothetical matchup against President Joe Biden, Trump also appears to be surging. In a general election survey, a June Harvard/Harris poll showed Trump leading Biden by six points. Only 39 percent of voters supported Biden.

“Joe Biden is in free fall, and can’t even crack 50 percent of the vote in the general election poll in New York,” Stefanik said.


Read the full article in Breitbart here.