July 31, 2020
Saratoga: Taxin’ Tedra Cobb has a long record of supporting Medicare for All, but she doesn’t stop at the government takeover of healthcare. She supports Medicare for All for illegal immigrants on her own website before she frantically deleted it — Taxin’ Tedra believes taxpayers should have to spend trillions of dollars for Medicare for All for non-citizens. She already publicly said she supports zero resources for border security. Taxin’ Tedra wants illegal immigrants to pour into our country and then she wants us to pay for their healthcare.
In Taxin’ Tedra’s campaign website that she has since frantically deleted, she calls for Medicare for All for “all United States residents.” This means non-citizens currently illegally residing in our country.

“Taxin’ Tedra must immediately explain to North Country voters why she believes American taxpayers should have to pay for Medicare for All for illegal immigrants,” said Stefanik. “No matter how much she tries to hide her positions, North Country voters already know Taxin’ Tedra fully supports and endorsed Medicare for All. Believing NY-21 taxpayers should have to pay for Medicare for All for illegal immigrants when U.S. citizens are struggling during the COVID-19 pandemic is completely unacceptable.”